Tuesday, July 26, 2011

You Kids!

We went to Sonic Ranch to master our full length album "You Kids!" . Sonic Ranch is always a blast especially if you get there by lunch time. Here are some pics from our visit.
Tyler - wishing he could lick Dali's fingers
Evan - wishing he brought his swimming trunks .
Cesar-wishing he could be one with the flora.
Justin Leeah - producer of "You Kids!"
and sorcerer of the dark wave .
Manuel Calderon - producer of our first e.p "thank god for aluminum " and keeper of the wild .
Mastering Room at Sonic Ranch.
Our Mastering engineer was Marco Ramirez. Great sense of humor he was cracking us up.
Big Woman /// Pastels
Single coming out soon !!
The D.A. Summer WestCoast Run
We got a van! We are ready to hit the road. We will be announcing our tour dates soon .